PTA Meeting Minutes

Thank you to everyone who came along to the PTA meeting on 4th October.

The next PTA meeting will be the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tues 22nd Nov at 8pm.  There will be elections for the new Committee for this year, so if anyone is interested in a role, please contact the PTA and we can discuss ahead of the AGM.  We are having an informal coffee for anyone interested on 10th November so please let thePTA know before then - thanks.

PTA Meeting 4th Oct 2016 – 2pm

Meeting Chaired By:  Chrissie Padgham
Present :  Justin Kelly, Chrissie Padgham, Rachael Carvill, Andree Mottashed, Ali Ratcliffe, Vikki Fair, Julie Clark, Hannah Mather, Karlene Boyce, Clare Moss, Jo McConnell, Rachel RuddmoreRaghda Kassem, Abbey Kypre, Katie Harrison, Hannah McLean
Minutes By :  Andree Mottashed

Agenda Item

1.  Apologies

Judy Howarth, Suzanne Murray

2. Previous Minutes & Updates

On the previously discussed subject of Lester Bowden uniform items, Abbey added that there were differences in pricing between the online shop and in store.  

On the subject of lighting near the roundabout area, it was mentioned that it was currently very dark and that the existing car park lighting was not switched on.  It was also discussed for the next evening PTA event, outside lighting should be considered e.g. camping lanterns, fluorescent paint.

-  Justin to follow up with Lester Bowden

-  Justin to follow up on car park lighting 
- Committee to follow up onevent lighting
3.  Monies Raised & Balance of Funds

Current balance is approx £25,000, with money still to be paid out for the Year 1 canopy and some to be held back to subsidise clubs, Christmas Decorations morning etc.

4Proposed Expenditure

-  The ten PTA trestle tables are in need of repair or replacement.  New plastic tables would cost approx £30-35, with wooden ones at £60-90 per table. It was agreed to ask Mr Dudley to look at the existing tables.

-  The PTA BBQ may need replacing soon.  Hannah McLean offered to follow up on the cost of a replacement.

-  Karlene proposed that the money raised by ‘Stars’ go towards additional staging for the school which is something that she knows Mrs Allinson has mentioned would be useful.  As ‘Stars’ is a performance event it seems fitting.

-  Justin outlined that a future development project might be the KS2 fort/maze area, which has recently been condemned as unusable.  Also, additional staging for the hall (as mentioned above) could be of benefit.

-  Justin to follow up with MrDudley

-  Hannah to follow up

5.  Upcoming Events

-  Class Rep elections are underway and Andree will co-ordinate the final list of reps.

-  The children are already working on their Christmas Card designs, making sure they have enough time to finish their designs.  

-  Bespoke & Beautiful Evening – Hannah Mather updated us on this exciting new event.  The licence has been applied for, to include the sale of alcohol.  Volunteers are arranged.  Girl Guides will sell the Raffle Tickets.  There are items in the PTA shed that can be used – Urn, coffee cups & lids, plastic tumblers, soft drinks. 

-  Family Photo Sessions with Jo Sweeney – Flyers will go out in bookbags this week with advertising also in the Tadworth Times and on Facebook. 

-  Stars In Their Eyes – Karlene is organising ‘Stars’ and thought it would be appropriateto also raise some money for the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Air Ambulance Trust in memory of Mrs Brown.  It was agreed to add £2 onto the ticket price and to sell ‘VIP’ tables to do this.  Karlene will also need help with setup, clean up and to run the bar on the night.

-  Christmas Trees – Vikki Fair is running this again this year.  It was agreed the format would be similar to last year, with a sample tree on the roundabout and the same prices as last year.  Delivery will be Fri 2nd December.  Feedback was very positive last year. Vikki mentioned that she will need help with lifting the trees.

-  Children’s Christmas Panto – Mance Productions is booked to perform Dick Whittington on Sat 3rd Dec.  This new event will be open to all children at the school.  Volunteers will be needed to help on the day.

-  Christmas Raffle – Rachel Ruddmore is running the raffle this year.  There are already several prizes, including £100 voucher from Priory Farm Nursery.  More donations are required towards 1st prize and 3rd prize hamper.  Mufti Day (1st Dec) will also raise money for prizes.

-  Summer Ball – Sat 1st July – Clare Moss confirmed that Surrey Downs is booked as the venue for the Summer Ball.  

-  Andree to coordinate

-  Nicole Duke coordinating

-  Hannah coordinating

-  Jo / Andree coordinating

-  Karlene coordinating

-  Vikki coordinating

-  Vikki Fair coordinating

-  Rachel R coordinating

-  Clare Moss coordinating
6.  PTA Lottery

Andree Mottashed has now taken over the PTA Lottery Coordinator role from Joanne Long.  Forms have gone out in bookbags for new membership.

-  Andree coordinating

7.  Easyfundraising

It was agreed that now is a good time to promote Easyfundraising again with thoughts turning to Christmas shopping.  Rachael C agreed to provide an updated flyer for the Tadworth Times and Facebook.

-  Rachael C to coordinate

8.  Committee for 2016/17

It was discussed that new committee members are needed for the coming year, with elections being held at the AGM in Nov.  Hannah McLean and Katie Harrison expressed an interest in finding out more, while Raghda Kassem and Rachel Ruddmore also offered help.

-  Andree to arrange a meeting to discuss roles
9.  AOB

Hannah McLean raised the subject of parking near the school.  Justin advised he has an upcoming meeting with the local Councillor and local residents and reiterated that police advice is for the school not to get involved outside of the school gates.

Hannah also suggested advertising the school hot meals using photos to increase their uptake.

-  Justin to follow up
10Next Meeting
AGM – Thurs 22nd Nov – 8pm